Ahh we're back for 2020. Sorry it's been a minute. We hope you're all doing well and keeping safe. This ep we sit down with Kyle Graham and talk coffee, running and mental health. We keep the vibe fun and tackle change with a positive outlook and a brew in hand. Stay positive legends! - Luke Okay
Happiness and Crap - Ep.5 Salty Striders Trailwalk Pt.2
Part 2 of the Salty Striders saga. The credits roll long over the black night sky and we sit down and question our existence and why the hell we signed up to such a monsterous battle...
Happiness and Crap - Ep.4 Salty Striders Trailwalk Pt.1
Well. Where do we start on this one? So Nicko our good friend somehow discovered the Oxfam Trailwalker challenge to raise funds for kids in impoverished nations and managed to rope Brett, Joel and I in to join him on this 100km walk. We accepted. This is part one of the saga, starting the night before the walk with Brett and I making bucket loads of coffee to get us by for the walk. We place some bets and talk smoke on what we think the challenge ahead is going to be like. - Luke
Happiness and Crap - Ep.3 Brent and Jess of Henry Clive Pop Up Bar
Ever wondered what it's like to throw in the towel on your 9-5 and create your own business? Fuck, stop day dreaming and tell the man to beat it. Brent and Jess did exactly that and started a pop up bar by the name of Henry Clive...
Happiness and Crap - Ep.1 Amy Gould, Black Moon
Ola! This episode we’ll be chatting with our good friend and founder of Black Moon accessories, Amy Gould. She has set out to disrupt and create a new story around making beautifully designed handbags. Making sustainability and ethical choices its core mission. It's a super insightful look into the mind of someone taking a giant leap and creating their own business for the love of their craft and the planet. Enjoy.