So you two boys have teamed up and started blending your works into one (which look amazing), how did this idea come about?    BEN -  We were at a show at the Steyne (hotel) in Manly last year and got talking after a few beers and decided it would
   So Kenny you’ve looked up to Ben for a long time since moving to Australia, how has getting to know him influenced your art?     KENTARO -  It’s been really good to call someone I have been following for long time as a friend and now doing some go
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  Ben you’ve been around this art world for a pretty decent amount of time, do these kind of collab projects keep motivated to continue creating? What would you say has changed the most since you first started getting payed to draw and paint?    B -
   It’s been pretty exciting seeing these Rumble artworks come to life and both your styles blend so well together, has it been an easy process? What parts of this project have been the most fun for you both?     K -  I was actually surprised how smo
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  Did you find that you both have super similar techniques while working on this project or did you both look at each other and think “really thats how he does that?”    B -  Yeah - the latter. - When ever I work with other people it is always super
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   Have you guys had any physical rumbles? I know Kenny you took on Le’ Grizz in your kitchen in a  mano a mano  sumo match up. Will we see some sumo challenges soon?     K -  Hahaha definitely not. we are always chilling and just down for beers
   Any last words before wednesday night?     K -  Please come and check out our weird but fresh visual experiments and heaps of beers. Then watch state of origin down stairs (downstairs of GOODSPACE is a nice classic pub.)    B -  Come on down and g
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