Rad One by Adam Harris.
 Keiren Woolley is the young gun in the deep end. -Boneless, photo Adam Harris.
 Steve Adam is an all terrain killer and a mysterious individual.
 Jarryd Rees brings the raw and gritty streets into this film. And he does it with style. -Nose Manual, photo Ryan Grant.
 Mitch Lee has been dropping bangers for years and he brings a few classic Kiama spots back to life. -Kickflip, photo Adam Harris.
 Ray Macken never seems to disappoint and somehow always gets gnarlier and gnarlier. -Nosegrind, photo Kane Horspool.
 The man of the hour, Adam Harris getting all those angles.
 Bam Monorom mangaged to film his part before he had to go back to Thailand and do his military service. Bam is one of the Gong's favourite shredders with a smooth and creative style, he'll be surely missed but I know he will come back firing.
 Brian East was the young gun who's grown up to dish out man sized hammers. - Backside 180, photo Kane Horspool.
 The old dog, Kane Horspool. Every homie vid needs an old dog. -Boneless, photo Ryan Grant.
 Ray Macken -Curb cut to curb cut Ollie. Photo Kane Horspool.
 Steve Adam - Kickflip fakie. Photo Kane Horspool.
 Kieren Woolley - Boardslide. Photo Adam Harris.
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